tell sb. a joke/jokes“大家好,今天我来为你们讲一个英语笑话”这句话用英语怎么说?
Hello, today I come for you to speak an English joke讲英语笑话用英语怎么说 在线等
crack a english joke 或者是 tell a english joke都是地道的表达用英语翻译我最好的朋友每天都来看我给我买好吃的给我讲笑话逗我开心还辅导我的功课
My best friend came to see me every day to buy me good food to my jokes make me happy but also help me with my homework英文翻译:下课时我会下座位四处走动,和同学们玩游戏、谈心……
I will get off my seat and walk around to play games or talk with classmates during class breaks.